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3 ways on How to bypass forum registration

3 ways on How to bypass forum registration

Have you ever visited a forum in search of specific software or article and found that you have to register to that forum in-order to see hidden content/links??? Yes, it happens many times with us. Forum admins hide content/links with a view to increase forum member count. But, this registration really sucks. So, I have mentioned 3 ways which can be used to see hidden forum content and thus, bypass forum registration.

Bypass Forum registration:

Below I have mentioned 3 ways to bypass forum registration. Google cache link works most of the times. Even BugMeNot and UserAgent Switcher addons help to bypass forum registration.

1. Google Cache link:
We all know that Google keeps an image of every webpage in its own database in the form of cache. So, this cache can be used to bypass forum registration process. Say eg. I want to unblock content of page:

Then simply search for this link in Google and hit the Cache link besides the search result as shown:

How to bypass registration

You can bypass forum registration and thus, you will be able to see all the hidden links.

Note: Don't consider me as Leetcoders hater. Leetcoders is one of my favorite forums and I personally have an account at this forum. I just wanted to illustrate my point. That's it. No offense please.

2. BugMeNot firefox addon:

BugMeNot is a powerful firefox addon used to bypass forum registration. BugMeNot offers free shared login information to all its users. So, the only thing you need to do is install BugMeNot addon in your firefox. Whenever you have to login to such forums, right click and hit on "Login with BugMeNot"

Login with BugMeNot bypass registration

BugMeNot will do the job of searching the login information in its database, helping you to bypass forum registration.

3. UserAgent Switcher:

This firefox addon helps webmasters to check if their website is working correctly with Google and other search engines. Worthytips noted a useful hack to bypass forum registration using this addon.

Install UserAgent Switcher addon and go to: Tools -> Default UserAgent -> UserAgent Switcher -> Options. Hit on New -> New UserAgent. In the popup box, enter the following:

Description: crawl-66-249-66-1.googlebot.com
UserAgent: Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.googlebot.com/bot.html)

Hit on OK. Now, using this newly created Useragent and browse to the target forum. You will find all links/content unblocked.

Note: I have not tested this UserAgent trick. Report problems, if any, with this hack.

So Gurus, these are the 3 ways that you can use to bypass forum registration. Well, the Cache hack works for most of times and I am using it since long time. If you find any problem in this tutorial on how to bypass forum registration, please mention it in comments.

Hei Gurus,Enjoy tricks to bypass forum registration!!!

Category: Internet Blog | Views: 1685 | Added by: seniorkoa | Tags: Gurus Hack | Rating: 0.0/0
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